Air Dolomiti Pilots’ Short Warning Strike Disrupts Flights in Italy

On Friday, February 9, 2024, pilots of the Italian airline Air Dolomiti participated in a short warning strike organized by the Anpac and Uiltrasporti unions. Here are the key details:

  • Strike Duration: The strike lasted for four hours.
  • Background: The existing collective agreement for Air Dolomiti pilots had expired, and negotiations for a new one had been ongoing for over a year.
  • Impact on Flights:
      • Flights were disrupted during the strike hours.
      • Passengers experienced delays and cancellations.
      • Further work stoppages may occur if an agreement is not reached soon.
  • Motives and Goals:
    • Pilots demanded better pay and improved working conditions.
    • The strike aimed to set an example and draw attention to the prolonged negotiations.

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